Quickstart Guide

Welcome to the Gibbon Git Server! Follow these steps to get your server up and running quickly.

1. Installation


  • Windows Server or Windows 10/11
  • IIS (Internet Information Services) installed
  • .NET 8.0 Runtime installed


  1. Download the Latest Release: Download the latest version of Gibbon Git Server from here.

  2. Extract Files: Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to your desired directory.

  3. Configure IIS:
    • Open IIS Manager.
    • Add a new site and point the physical path to the directory where you extracted the Gibbon Git Server files.
    • Bind the site to a hostname or IP address, and configure SSL if necessary.
  4. Configure Permissions: Ensure that the application pool has the necessary permissions to read/write to the directory where the repositories and configuration files are stored.

  5. Database Setup:
    • Gibbon Git Server uses a lightweight SQLite database by default.
    • Run the server for the first time to automatically set up the database using EF Migrations.
  6. Update appsettings.json: Customize your configuration by modifying the appsettings.json file, including repository paths, server options, and email settings (if notifications are used).

2. Initial Setup

  1. Open the Web Interface: Navigate to the URL where your Gibbon Git Server is hosted (e.g., http://localhost).

  2. Create Admin User:
    • The first time you access the server, you’ll be prompted to create an admin user.
    • Provide the necessary details and create your admin account.
  3. Set Up User Roles:
    • After logging in, navigate to the User Management section.
    • Create additional users and assign them appropriate roles (Admin, Member, Viewer).

3. Create Your First Repository

  1. Go to Repository Management:
    • In the admin interface, navigate to the Repositories section.
  2. Add a New Repository:
    • Click Create New Repository.
    • Provide a name and description for the repository.
    • Configure the visibility (Public or Private) and assign user permissions.
  3. Clone the Repository:
    • Clone your new repository using Git on your local machine:
      git clone http://<your-server-url>/<repository-name>.git
  4. Push Your Code:
    • Add files to the repository, commit them, and push to the server:
      git add .
      git commit -m "Initial commit"
      git push origin main

4. Manage Users and Permissions

  1. User Management:
    • In the User Management section, add new users to the system.
    • Assign roles such as Admin, Member, or Viewer, depending on their access needs.
  2. Repository Permissions:
    • Define user-specific permissions for each repository (e.g., Read-only, Write access).
    • You can also set up branch-specific permissions for tighter control.

5. Explore Additional Features

  • Post-Commit Actions: Set up plugins to automate tasks after each commit.
  • Branch Visualization: Use the graphical branch view to track the development flow.
  • Advanced Search: Utilize the built-in search functionality to find repositories, commits, and more.
  • Custom Configurations: Modify server settings directly through the admin interface or via the database.

For more detailed documentation, check out the full user guide.

By following these steps, you’ll have your Gibbon Git Server up and running, managing repositories, users, and permissions with ease!