
Gibbon Git Server for Windows is a web application you can install on your IIS. It provides an easy management tool and access to your Git repositories that are self-hosted on your server.

Access Control

  • Manage access to your repositories
  • Teams/groups support
  • Handy user management

Nice UI

  • Beautiful modern design
  • Focused on great user experience
  • Functional

Repository Browser

  • Nice way to browse your project
  • Available for every commit and file in history
  • Very fast

Commit Browser

  • View your history
  • Sweet diff for files
  • Browse the content

Optional Active Directory Integration

  • Setup users, teams, and roles using the standard Active Directory users tool
  • Supports Windows, Cookies, and ADFS authentication modes


  • Multiple language support
  • Different cultures
  • Easily extensible for other translations


I created a simple demo running on a Windows Azure virtual machine. You can find it here.
The username and password are admin:admin.

Please, don’t use it in an inappropriate way—thank you.