To successfully run Gibbon Git Server on Windows, you need to meet the following requirements:
Gibbon Git Server is built using ASP.NET Core, so you need the appropriate runtime installed.
dotnet --version
You should see something like 8.x.x
if the runtime is properly installed.
If you want to host Gibbon Git Server on IIS (Internet Information Services), follow these steps:
Select Web Server (IIS) and proceed with the installation, making sure the following features are enabled:
After installing IIS, download and install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle from Microsoft.
For lightweight or cross-platform hosting, Gibbon Git Server can also be hosted with Kestrel, a web server that runs natively in .NET Core. Kestrel comes built-in with ASP.NET Core, so no extra installation is required if you’re using it instead of IIS.
Ensure the Git command-line tools are installed on the machine for proper Git operations (clone, push, pull, etc.).
git --version
git version 2.x.x
.Gibbon Git Server requires a database for storing configuration and user data. On Windows, the default configuration uses SQLite, but you can switch to another supported database if needed. If you’re using the default SQLite:
If you want to use SQL Server (although it’s not officially supported anymore), you would need an active SQL Server instance and adjust the connection strings in appsettings.json
Once all prerequisites are installed, you can proceed with the installation steps to set up and run Gibbon Git Server on your Windows machine.