Configuration Settings Documentation

This document provides an overview of the configuration settings used in the appsettings.json file for the Gibbon Git Server.

Structure Overview

The appsettings.json file contains various sections for configuring the application, including paths, Git settings, mail settings, and logging. Below is an explanation of each section and its respective keys.

  "AppSettings": {
    "DataPath": "~\\App_Data",
    "DemoModeActive": false,
    "IsPushAuditEnabled": false,
    "AllowDbReset": true,
    "RepositoryPath": "~\\App_Data\\Repositories"
  "GitSettings": {
    "BinaryPath": "~\\App_Data\\Git",
    "HomePath": "~\\App_Data",
    "Version": "2.6.1",
    "Architecture": "32"
  "MailSettings": {
    "Host": "",
    "DefaultCredentials": false,
    "Port": 587,
    "Name": "Your sender name",
    "EmailId": "Your email ID",
    "UserName": "Your username",
    "Password": "Your password",
    "UseSSL": true
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "GibbonGitServerContext": "Data Source=App_Data\\Gibbon.Git.Server.db;"
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "Microsoft": "Information",
      "Microsoft.Hosting": "Warning"
  "DetailedErrors": true

Configuration Sections

1. AppSettings

This section contains the general configuration for the Gibbon Git Server.

  • DataPath: Specifies the directory where application data is stored. The default is "~\\App_Data".
  • DemoModeActive: If set to true, the application runs in demo mode. Default is false.
  • IsPushAuditEnabled: If set to true, audits all push operations for detailed logging. Default is false.
  • AllowDbReset: Enables or disables the ability to reset the database. Default is true.
  • RepositoryPath: Specifies the directory where repositories are stored. Default is "~\\App_Data\\Repositories".

2. GitSettings

This section configures Git-related settings, including the binary path, home path, version, and architecture.

  • BinaryPath: Path to the Git binary. Default is "~\\App_Data\\Git".
  • HomePath: The home directory for Git. Default is "~\\App_Data".
  • Version: The version of Git being used. Default is "2.6.1".
  • Architecture: The architecture of the Git binary, e.g., 32 for 32-bit or 64 for 64-bit. Default is "32".

3. MailSettings

This section configures email settings used for notifications and alerts.

  • Host: The mail server’s hostname.
  • DefaultCredentials: If true, uses the system’s default credentials. Default is false.
  • Port: The port number for the mail server. Default is 587.
  • Name: The sender’s name that appears in the email.
  • EmailId: The sender’s email address.
  • UserName: The username for authenticating with the mail server.
  • Password: The password for the mail server.
  • UseSSL: Whether to use SSL when connecting to the mail server. Default is true.

4. ConnectionStrings

This section defines the connection string for the database used by the Gibbon Git Server.

  • GibbonGitServerContext: Specifies the SQLite database connection string. The default is "Data Source=App_Data\\Gibbon.Git.Server.db;".

5. Logging

This section controls the logging levels for various parts of the application.

  • Default: The default logging level. Set to Debug for detailed logs.
  • Microsoft: The logging level for Microsoft-related logs. Set to Information.
  • Microsoft.Hosting: The logging level for hosting-related logs. Set to Warning.

6. DetailedErrors

This boolean setting enables or disables detailed error messages in the application. Default is true.

Example Usage

To customize the settings for your own environment, modify the values in the appsettings.json file as needed.

For example, to enable the push audit and set up your email settings:

  "AppSettings": {
    "IsPushAuditEnabled": true
  "MailSettings": {
    "Host": "",
    "UserName": "",
    "Password": "your-secure-password"

Make sure to keep sensitive information like email credentials secure. In production environments, it’s recommended to store these settings in a secure place such as environment variables or Azure Key Vault.